Epitto – dead

Epitto is a super secret community, where the whole site is handmade, the development is never stopped, and user opinion and preference are really heard. We want to make an honest social media platform where the topics themselves are the center of discussion, not the people discussing them. We are ready to take up the challenge to create unique spaces for the discerning ladies and gentlemen.

So, leave your top hat on the rack, but do not forget to whip out your monocle – it’s compulsory. Then, pick a channel, the Epitto cabybara is eager to guide you to the pond.

Boards as of 5-28-2022:

/b/ Random



Screenshot from 5-28-2022

marked dead 12-11-23

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Lainchan is a vichan based image board with several unique features.  I will post in a piece of the FAQ below.  A couple unique things I noticed were that the /random/ page is a collection of random threads from the whole site vs. a dedicated /b/ board.   The faq also mentions a built in language enhancer, and posting without a name you are given a random name.

Current Boards as of 2-7-2022:

[q / news ] λ / diy / sec / tech ] inter / lit / music / vis / hum / drg / zzz ] layer / q / r ] cult / psy ] mega / random ]  /  ] cal / irc / radio / stream / zine ]

Continue ReadingLainchan

Quest Den

Quest Den was previously named tgchan, after the /tg/ board that hosted many of the original quests like Ruby Quest. It’s also a place to discuss quests hosted here and elsewhere, and for people to post their own general art.

Quests are interactive adventures, similar to adventure games or DnD campaigns. They often have unique worlds and characters, and there’s plenty of artwork to go around too! You can read currently-running quests by clicking QUESTS on the left, under BOARDS. You can read completed quest threads by clicking the + sign on ARCHIVE, then on QUEST-ARCHIVE. Check the WIKI (linked at the bottom on the left) for a list of active and completed quests, as well as information on getting started!

Boards as of 2-7-22:

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22Chan was made as an alternative to 4chan by people who were tired of the endless pornposting and low quality content. The current list of boards is below:

News on 4/19/22, the owner is shutting down the site. Discussion on livechan sounds promising that it will be relaunched soon so I will keep it listed on AllChans for now. The /b/ is still working today. The rest look to be 404.

screenshot of 22chan on 4/28/2022

Marking as dead 11-30-2022 It has been going to a cloudflare 404 page for a few weeks now.

RE-added 5-5-23 screenshot above is from this date.

12-12-23 screenshot

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