India Chan

Indiachan is India’s only* image board. The board list as of 4/27/2022 is:

/b/ • /pol/ • /yoga/ • /dhan/ • /g/ • /ent/ • /meta/ ]

*I put no effort into verifying the claim.

Marked dead 4-20-23

5/3/23 re-added

screenshot from 5/3/23

Marking Dead 10-18-2023. Site now goes to this message:

Bye! I am bored and don’t have enough motiviation to keep this site up. In last 30 days we served 3.16M requests (according to cloudflare). It was fun while it lasted. All the posts and user data will be nuked. Thanks to jannies, for keeping all the pedos and unwanted elements away from the board. – inchadmin

1-15-2023 Indiachan is back!

Continue ReadingIndia Chan

Wizard Chan

Wizardchan is a Japanese-inspired imageboard for male virgins to share their thoughts and discuss their interests and lifestyle as a virgin. The name of our website is inspired by the wizard meme, which refers to someone who has maintained his virginity past the age of 30. In contrast to other imageboards, Wizardchan is dedicated exclusively to people who have no sexual experience. Feel free to share your thoughts with fellow virgins, but remember to read the rules and the FAQ before posting.

Current Boards as of 2/16/22:

wiz / dep / hob / lounge / jp / meta / games / music ] [ all ]

Wizard Chan 2-16-22
Continue ReadingWizard Chan