Frens chan – Dead

Frenschan was made for users of 4chan that have become fed up with the excessive amounts of degeneracy plaguing /b/ and /pol/. Fren Chan is a cozy place to post anonymously and a safe haven for free speech.

Current board selection: marked dead on 6-22-2022, cloudflare 522 error.

6-23-2022, Frenschan is back and moved to a new domain and new host.

12-12-23 screenshot:

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22Chan was made as an alternative to 4chan by people who were tired of the endless pornposting and low quality content. The current list of boards is below:

News on 4/19/22, the owner is shutting down the site. Discussion on livechan sounds promising that it will be relaunched soon so I will keep it listed on AllChans for now. The /b/ is still working today. The rest look to be 404.

screenshot of 22chan on 4/28/2022

Marking as dead 11-30-2022 It has been going to a cloudflare 404 page for a few weeks now.

RE-added 5-5-23 screenshot above is from this date.

12-12-23 screenshot

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Britfags – Dead

“annoyingly elitist, reassuringly expansive” Britfags is a UK based imageboard. They allow anonymous posting and the board is fairly active.

Boards as of 2-18-22:

b / iq / g / zoo ] [ e / news / lab ] [ v / nom / pol / eco / emo / 101 / shed ]
art / A / beat / boo / com / fat / job / lit / map / mph / poof / £$€¥ / spo / uhu / uni / x / y ] [ * | sfw | o ]

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