, (or just “The party”) is an imageboard dedicated to the creation, posting, and sharing of soyjaks. As the site has grown, its expanded to encompass many other topics as well. Please read the rules before posting. Serving 6,547,382 posts!

Boards as of 12-24-2023: [ home ][ q / soy / qa / r / np ][ a / an / ck / raid / int / mtv / pol / nate / sci / x ][ craft / fnac ][ overboard ]

Screenshot from 7-20-2022

Marked dead 8-16-2023

marked back 12-24-23 screenshot below:


Frens chan – Dead

Frenschan was made for users of 4chan that have become fed up with the excessive amounts of degeneracy plaguing /b/ and /pol/. Fren Chan is a cozy place to post anonymously and a safe haven for free speech.

Current board selection: marked dead on 6-22-2022, cloudflare 522 error.

6-23-2022, Frenschan is back and moved to a new domain and new host.

12-12-23 screenshot:

Continue ReadingFrens chan – Dead


28chan is a simple imageboard where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics and users do not need to register an account before participating. Be sure to read the Rules before posting.

Boards as of 3-24-2022:





screenshot from 3-2022
Continue Reading28Chan


Lainchan is a vichan based image board with several unique features.  I will post in a piece of the FAQ below.  A couple unique things I noticed were that the /random/ page is a collection of random threads from the whole site vs. a dedicated /b/ board.   The faq also mentions a built in language enhancer, and posting without a name you are given a random name.

Current Boards as of 2-7-2022:

[q / news ] λ / diy / sec / tech ] inter / lit / music / vis / hum / drg / zzz ] layer / q / r ] cult / psy ] mega / random ]  /  ] cal / irc / radio / stream / zine ]

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Boatchan – Dead is a crappy imageboard for people who like 2000’s crap or crap in general, feel nice and at home here if you aren’t a [bundle of sticks or twigs bound together as fuel.]

Board list as of 3-24-2022 (some are still being recovered and rebuilt)


Normal Boards

  • /b/ – Random
  • /v/ – Vidya Gaems
  • /a/ – Anime
  • /t/ – Technology/Science
  • /e/ – Hentai
  • /m/ – Music
  • /i/ – Art
  • /cook/ – Cooking General
  • /tor/ – Torrents

Original Boards

  • /c/ – Cleveland Worshipping
  • /h/ – Hank Hill Board
  • /cat/ – CATS!


  • /g/ – Guro
  • /q/ – Feels
  • [sbs] – Shit Boatchan Says
  • /baka/ – Touhou Board
  • /meta/ – Complain
  • /l/ – Lounge Of Chillin
  • /up/ – Upload Board
boat chan 3-24-2022

The board died around the end of April after relaunching on a new host.

9-23-22 re-adding since it is back. Current boards are:

 [b / c / cat / i / t / v / baka] [sbs]

9-23-22 screenshot

Marking as dead 6-30-2023 – the domain has been stolen it appears…

Continue ReadingBoatchan – Dead


22Chan was made as an alternative to 4chan by people who were tired of the endless pornposting and low quality content. The current list of boards is below:

News on 4/19/22, the owner is shutting down the site. Discussion on livechan sounds promising that it will be relaunched soon so I will keep it listed on AllChans for now. The /b/ is still working today. The rest look to be 404.

screenshot of 22chan on 4/28/2022

Marking as dead 11-30-2022 It has been going to a cloudflare 404 page for a few weeks now.

RE-added 5-5-23 screenshot above is from this date.

12-12-23 screenshot

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Britfags – Dead

“annoyingly elitist, reassuringly expansive” Britfags is a UK based imageboard. They allow anonymous posting and the board is fairly active.

Boards as of 2-18-22:

b / iq / g / zoo ] [ e / news / lab ] [ v / nom / pol / eco / emo / 101 / shed ]
art / A / beat / boo / com / fat / job / lit / map / mph / poof / £$€¥ / spo / uhu / uni / x / y ] [ * | sfw | o ]

Continue ReadingBritfags – Dead