, (or just “The party”) is an imageboard dedicated to the creation, posting, and sharing of soyjaks. As the site has grown, its expanded to encompass many other topics as well. Please read the rules before posting. Serving 6,547,382 posts!

Boards as of 12-24-2023: [ home ][ q / soy / qa / r / np ][ a / an / ck / raid / int / mtv / pol / nate / sci / x ][ craft / fnac ][ overboard ]

Screenshot from 7-20-2022

Marked dead 8-16-2023

marked back 12-24-23 screenshot below:

This Post Has 56 Comments

  1. Chud


  2. chud


  3. namesareforfags

    very retarded/no-iq
    just a bunch of cucks spamming nigger shit
    not a single bit of funny or interesting discussion
    avoid this gay nigger beta cuck shit

    1. Anonymous


  4. Soyjak scum are the most active raiders and hackers among the chans. Maybe this would be funny if they they brought chaos to the normie sphere like a classic pool party in the metaverse but they don’t, they go after the lowest hanging fruit.

    1. Cobson McGemmyson

      >Soyjak scum are the most active raiders and hackers among the chans. Maybe this would be funny if they they brought chaos to the normie sphere like a classic pool party in the metaverse but they don’t, they go after the lowest hanging fruit.

  5. Chud

    best imageboard that ever existed, with the best content the smartest and strictly enlightened users.
    People hate sharty because they are either low iq or jealous of it’s sucess.



  7. chud

    trans rights arent human rights because trannies arent human

  8. 4niggers

    4cuck can’t even dox atleast 1 tranny

  9. 4whites

    4bulls can dox at most 1 cisgender

  10. chud

    holy gem

  11. chud

    sharty won skype troons seething itt

  12. gem

    ‘son website

  13. Chud

    feral’ website

  14. Homicide

    Brags about their faggot flood on their wiki because the post limit was 200 and it took them hours to hit even that with 3 retards hamblasting their keyboards with deviantart jpgs

    website 1/10 low effort unfunny reddit vomit gb2africa
    wiki: ED is better.

  15. Chudbaby pisscel

    >Brags about their faggot flood on their wiki because the post limit was 200 and it took them hours to hit even that with 3 retards hamblasting their keyboards with deviantart jpgs

    >website 1/10 low effort unfunny reddit vomit gb2africa
    >wiki: ED is better.

    Holy fucking schizo

  16. gemsonthegodson


  17. Anonymous

    Eduardo Foltz

  18. Chud

    Eduardo Foltz

  19. i

    this website sucks they derailed my hecking tranime thread on /v/


    soyjaks were made to make fun of c*mskin cuckold faggots. i cannot believe c*moids co-opted it to mean other slightly worse c*mskin cuckold faggots even though they are exactly just like them no difference whatsoever other than usual c*moid differences. what a bunch of hypocrite birdshits

  21. Anonymous

    his name if you will

  22. mischizo


  23. Anon


  24. Christopher Poole

    Unfunny garbage tier reddit website. The cancer killing 4cock in the 2020s, thoughts and praying for a ddos attack to hit the site.

  25. Anonymous


  26. Chud

    mention eduardo foltz get a perma ban. moderation is worse than 4chan and reddit there. no free speech

  27. Anonymous

    Best website on the Internet

  28. USB Line

    gemmy board

  29. Anonymous

    worst and coaliest website on the internet

  30. Anonymous

    Unfunny *BUNDLE OF STICKS* site. The stupidest and least interesting parts of 4chan, concentrated in one place.

  31. Anonymous


  32. Anonymous

    soyGODs won.

  33. Anonymous

    >Say his name if you wi-ack

  34. Anonymous

    >say his name

  35. Anonymous

    Its dead. the admin didnt pay rent and its gone for good i think.

  36. Anonymous

    The ‘ru’s still up doe

  37. Anonymous

    rest in gems

  38. Anonymous

    its back up at

  39. Anonymous


  40. Anonymous

    we’re back or the BBC

    1. All Chans

      I’ll get you back on here tomorrow!

  41. Chud

    Trannies seething because their shitty tranny threads got derailed ITT
    You will never be an oldfag.

  42. Anonymous

    its “soyjak” not “soyjack” fix the front page

  43. anonymous

    The sharty should have stayed gone. They were never funny, not collectively, not individually. They should go and stay go.

  44. Anonymous

    >The sharty should have stayed gone. They were never funny, not collectively, not individually. They should go and stay go.

    holy coperald from a seething FNF jassycvck pedo with xer clitty leaking straight from der nu-pedo-trooncord

  45. Anonymous

    >The sharty should have stayed gone. They were never funny, not collectively, not individually. They should go and stay go.

    holy coperald from a seething FNF jassycvck pedo with xer clitty leaking straight from der nu-pedo-trooncord

    1. Anonymous

      fuck off twitter immigrant you and your kind are the coal that destroyed the sharty


    They doxxed RapeApe and the top sysadmin for 4chan (MVB)

  47. transchud

    this site helped me discover I’m trans, i made a blogpost thread time ago and they recommended me to transition and it was the right choice

  48. .


  49. Anonymous

    What is the new domain? Search engines are AI SEO garbage

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