Protips for the 4chan captcha?

I spread my time aross several boards but usually skip over 4chan because the captcha is so bad. I understand the need to move the slider, but even doing that I get the captcha wrong 4 out of 5 times and usually get locked out and rage quit. Does any have any protips/tricks for getting past it without buying the pass? Comments are open and dont need registration.

Not my screenshot example:

This Post Has 8 Comments

  1. Anonymous

    no your just gonna have to deal with it

  2. asdc

    pro tips – use the arrow key to slide the blue dot, only do 1 pass if you can’t see it, clik for another
    or spend $20 for a pass to skip the capchas

  3. Anonymous

    22chan did a better job with the token generator, but i guess you have no choice but to refresh lol good luck

  4. Anonymous

    Most of the time it’s only four letters. Occasionally it includes a fifth and/or numbers. All four or five of them will be shown at once, so any one or two visible letters are false. I don’t know how else to explain it, they are super easy. Just find the four letters.

  5. Anon

    Well, since cuckchan sold out the sjws and feds, anyone who even bothers going there should be trying to destroy it, although really there needs to be actual good boards somewhere so raids can be launched first. I have not forgotten 2014, and the standards for freedom of speech will never change.

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