
28chan is a simple imageboard where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics and users do not need to register an account before participating. Be sure to read the Rules before posting.

Boards as of 3-24-2022:





screenshot from 3-2022
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Kissu hosts a regularly archived happening thread running from 2019 to present. Said thread sometimes shows up when people want to document significant imageboard events. https://kissu.moe/qa/thread/4165. One such instance that might be of interest is https://www.reddit.com/r/guro/comments/lmh7dj/update_on_gurochan_drama_and_kuz/, although take the reddit post with a grain of salt, the guy is known to create drama about himself for some reason.
Site discusses otaku culture, imageboard meta and technology. Sharing images and video links in various threads. Also casual discussion. When discussing real world events we try to stay as close to documenting them as possible.

Kissu was created in 2018 from otaku and meta posters who left 4chan’s /qa/ board.

In 2020 I started reworking the user interface following difficulties with the Vichan-UI upon updating updating to PHP7.4. Feeling that Kissu needed modernization, a unique theme and software to stand out from the rest I began a long task of creating a contemporary imageboard user interface from scratch. Inspired by 4ChanX, it was a Javascript only UI written in ReactJS. I adopted many of the tools that are used by the popular 4ChanX extension and gave it my own taste.
The vichan engine has been modified too to allow for polling on /poll/ and upvoting (only) on /ec/.

– V

Current Boards as of 3-2-2022:

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94chan originally existed from 2008-2012, and now it’s to infinity and beyond. This chan is a project of love and nostalgia paired with a wide variety of users from a lot of old internet circles and we couldn’t be more proud and grateful of our userbase and staff for making our return nothing short of spectacular.

Boards as of 3-2-2022:

/pol/ – politicsTake the red pill, anon0135488
????/vg/ – vidya gaemDo a barrel roll03392
/b/ – randomPissing in an ocean of piss0001581
????/94/ – site meta discussionSite suggestions, love letters to the staff, etc000175
/rx/ – drugslmao weed000108
????/ck/ – cookingor jus food00069
????/x/ – paranormalThen who was phone????00052
/k/ – kommandoBoogaloo Boomsticks00040
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Krautchan is a primarily German-language imageboard that was founded in 2007. I think I had avoided adding it in the past because it was not in English, but it seems that it is fine to browse in English now. Unlike most imageboards, posters on Krautchan didn’t publish their postings under the generic name “Anonymous”. The German name “Bernd” was used instead, and the Krautchan community identified themselves as “Bernds” instead of “Anons”.

Boards as of 2/16/22:

/over/ Overboard

/int/ Son of KC

/map/ Map Board

/b/ Random

/o/ About

/lite/ Lite

/ban/ Ban appeals

/c/ Court

/d/ Images

/de/ Deutsch

/fit/ Fitness

/h3d/ 3d Board

/kb/ Dating Apps & Related

/ml/ Military

/oc/ Original Content

/out/ Outdoor

/pol/ Política

/ru/ Русскоязычная

/s/ Sports

/sht/ Shit Talk

/stalin/ Capitalism Bashing

/t/ Torrents

/tech/ Technology

/tv/ Movies and Television

/v/ Video Games

/war/ War

/z/ Anime

/bog/ Bog

/igor/ Igor Blog

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Wizard Chan

Wizardchan is a Japanese-inspired imageboard for male virgins to share their thoughts and discuss their interests and lifestyle as a virgin. The name of our website is inspired by the wizard meme, which refers to someone who has maintained his virginity past the age of 30. In contrast to other imageboards, Wizardchan is dedicated exclusively to people who have no sexual experience. Feel free to share your thoughts with fellow virgins, but remember to read the rules and the FAQ before posting.

Current Boards as of 2/16/22:

wiz / dep / hob / lounge / jp / meta / games / music ] [ all ]

Wizard Chan 2-16-22
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There is a whole webring of about 9 image boards I need to get added onto AllChans – this one, zzzchan has a variety of the typical image board topics and is active with new content.  

Boards as of 2-7-2022:

Board Description PPH PPD Users Posts
/v/ – Video Games FREE BEER 6 229 85 116074
/b/ – Random only the dead can know peace from this FUN 7 207 57 78064
/2hu/ – Touhou Primary and Secondary discussion, no Tertiaries allowed. 0 28 11 915
💼/tech/ – Technology Technology & Computing 0 12 6 4518
/x/ – Paranormal 973-eht-namuh-973 0 3 3 1183
/vhs/ – Movies Film and Cinema 0 4 2 879
/japan/ – militarized easiness for those we cherish, we die in glory 0 1 1 9191
/meta/ – Meta Meta Discussion and Admin Announcements 0 1 1 3551
💼/fit/ – Health and Fitness Health, fitness, nutrition, and GAINZ 0 2 1 1237
/hikki/ – Hikikomori The modern hermit 0 1 1 501
/r9k/ – robot9000 NORMALNIGGERS OUT 0 0 0 3556
/pol/ – Politically Incorrect with a mortar launcher 0 0 0 1072
/a/ – Anime & Manga You WA shock 0 0 0 764
/bmn/ – Bad Movie Night


/v/ – Video Gamesit’s fucking video games, baby112056228446
/b/ – Randomonly the dead can know peace from this FUN1011444178467
/digi/ – Christmas LoungeMerry Christmas!0511717963
💼/tech/ – TechnologyTechnology & Computing112812417
/fascist/ – Surf The Kali YugaNational Socialist and Third Position Discussion0863173
💼/rozen/ – Rozen MaidenA place for dolls053840
/vhs/ – MoviesFilm and Cinema0221981
/r9k/ – robot9000NORMALNIGGERS OUT0114328
/pol/ – Politically Incorrectwith a mortar launcher0113901
/a/ – Anime & MangaYOU は SHOCK0111584
/japan/ – militarized easinessfor those we cherish, we die in glory00011316
/meta/ – MetaMeta Discussion and Admin Announcements0004560
/2hu/ – TouhouPrimary and Secondary discussion, no Tertiaries allowed0004469
/x/ – Paranormal973-eht-namuh-9730002064
💼/fit/ – Health and FitnessHealth, fitness, nutrition, and GAINZ0001829
/hikki/ – HikikomoriThe modern hermit000821
/k/ – Weapons and MilitariaA magical place!000742
/bmn/ – Bad Movie NightThe Webring’s Satellite of Love | Movies Every Saturday000558
/liberty/ – Austro-LibertarianismPolitics & Economics000263

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Lainchan is a vichan based image board with several unique features.  I will post in a piece of the FAQ below.  A couple unique things I noticed were that the /random/ page is a collection of random threads from the whole site vs. a dedicated /b/ board.   The faq also mentions a built in language enhancer, and posting without a name you are given a random name.

Current Boards as of 2-7-2022:

[q / news ] λ / diy / sec / tech ] inter / lit / music / vis / hum / drg / zzz ] layer / q / r ] cult / psy ] mega / random ]  /  ] cal / irc / radio / stream / zine ]

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Quest Den

Quest Den was previously named tgchan, after the /tg/ board that hosted many of the original quests like Ruby Quest. It’s also a place to discuss quests hosted here and elsewhere, and for people to post their own general art.

Quests are interactive adventures, similar to adventure games or DnD campaigns. They often have unique worlds and characters, and there’s plenty of artwork to go around too! You can read currently-running quests by clicking QUESTS on the left, under BOARDS. You can read completed quest threads by clicking the + sign on ARCHIVE, then on QUEST-ARCHIVE. Check the WIKI (linked at the bottom on the left) for a list of active and completed quests, as well as information on getting started!

Boards as of 2-7-22:

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Cuatrochan is a Spanish imageboard with just a few boards. I don’t usually add non-english boards, but this one seems like a nice place.

boardDescriptionPPHPPDUsersPostsLast Activity
/b/ – RandomClassic Random0117461 day ago
/news/ – NewsWhat is happening now.0001992 weeks ago
/pol/ – PoliticsDon’t fight, much…0001452 weeks ago
/a/ – AnimeLoh monoh chinoh000843 months ago
/y2k/ – Nostalgia 2000Your best years have passed, it was 2000.000594 days ago
/MusicPunchi punchi punchi000561 day ago
/vg/ – Video GamesVideo games000403 weeks ago
/xxx/ – Porn gif videosOn this board upload GIFs or xxx videos000314 months ago
/pol2/ – politicsthe West must awake000253 days ago
/vw/ – Virtual WorldsCyber ​​digital 3D virtual worlds000136 days ago
/toho/ – Touhou ProjectThey mostly debate about the best Touha00067 months ago
/videos/ – VideosWhat do you think is here?00069 months ago
/forocoches/ – ForoCarsFor Shurmanitos00032 weeks ago
/cons/ – ConspiraciesIn this area conspiracies will be discussed00023 days ago
/zv/ – virgin zoneThis area is for those who want to tell their sorrows or simply talk on a textboard00015 months ago
12-12-23 listings and screenshot

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Gurochan has been added (new domain name). This site is over 15 years old and features guro themed boards.

Gurochan is an online internet image board, it was founded in 2004 and is the largest Guro website in the world. Here, you may post on boards that serve a variety of topics, from regular gore and death, to freakish abominations, and literature for days. You can find the old gurochan archives at archive.guro.cx


Current boards: 12-12-2023

all / g / s / fur / art / 3dcg / f / rp / req / p2p / dis / lit / kaki

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