If the site dies.. its because I had chatgpt write a wordpress plugin and I am testing it live … smart. I know.
Looks like it worked.. Ive been trying to get someone to make a simple wordpress plugin to add a custom target field on menu links (one where I could do it in the wordpress back end using their menu generator not making it by hand). Chat gpt did it in 1 minute and gave me full instructions along with the code.
Basically the frames page menu can now be made in the backend now that I can add the iframe traget to links.. so maybe I will add in individual boards for some supported sites. I still need to figure out how to get a scroll bar in the menu widget on the frames page since you need to scroll forever to get to the bottom.
My 3 year hosting term is up and this time I am swithing AllChans to a new host since the price increased significantly. There may be some downtime in the next couple weeks as things migrate. I have cloudflare “always on” turned on so hopefully the directory menu is accessible.
2ch.hk was added – I dont usually add foreign boards because content is hard to review, but this one is massive and at least on PC converts to english easily.
Kind.moe domain updated
Think I am upto date on my contact emails.. send another via the contact pages or comment below if I missed anything. FYI – when a chan is reported dead I usually give it a month or two before removing it in case it comes back.
Today, 8-18-2022 marks 10 years since I started AllChans. This site goes back to the days of shii.org/2ch for me which I visted on a regular basis. When the owner m0hey.p0ri posted he was shutting down I decided to buy a domain and keep things going.
For the first year AllChans grew quick but after that time it seemed like the image board community was dying – major chans were disappearing and with little new support for image board software the smaller sites started popping up less and less while others died. I assume it was platforms like facebook, twitter, and reddit taking over with near instant communication available. It seemed like each year I was removing more sites than I was adding. At some point around 2019 it seems like things turned around. Major platforms started pushing harder and hader to limit speech and put policies in place to ban “hate speech” without defining what that meant. Toss in the media getting caught lying over and over to and the major platforms banning/deplatforming people who noticed and people start looking elsewhere to communicate online. I think this started sending people back to anonymous image boards and got new people into creating new image boards. Today, 10 years later, there are more chans listed than at any point in the past. More traffic too:
Not only are there more imageboards than in the past, they are far more active. I remember back when AllChans was fresh going through and seeing the same content for months on many sites. Many of them would be spammed and the spam would sit for weeks. Today there are a large number of very active boards and it seems the community is growing. From my research I think there is the weakness out there of image board software not being actively developed that ends up being a road block to future sites popping up. I hope that doesn’t become the death of the smaller boards in the future.
Over the years I have hosted a couple image boards along side AllChans, none currently though. I know the time and work involved in moderating, maintaining and dealing with CP spammers. Whenever I have to remove a board that has died after being on the site a long time, I get the nostaligia feels real bad.
I want to say that I really appreciate all that these image boards do to keep running. Most of these boards are ad free and run on donations or just out of pocket for the owner. Same applies to Allchans, I think it’s running at a -$1500 loss by now, but to my benefit the site is fairly static and runs off a cheap VPS. I can imagine the costs are significantly more for an active site hosting hundreds of images.
I do miss having frame browsing of imageboards on AllChans. As some might be aware from previous posts, frames are a no-no on the internet today. One of the big reasons is the mix of https and http image boards, another is any site with hotlinking disabled would not load within a frame. A third reason is google will punish sites that use the dated frames technology. I have tried for years to find a proper menu plugin for wordpress that would allow me to set a custom “target_” on links so they could open in an iframe. (I like wordpress too much to change over to something else) I could make something somewhat usable doing that but havent seen anything that works yet.
Anyway… Happy 10th Birthday to AllChans, and I hope to keep the site going for many more years.
A few dead boards have been removed due to extended downtime. 16chan.xzy, 22chan.org, hivechan.com, frenschan.com, geteso.org
22chan has posted a link to https://livechan.org which is a chatroom for the site.
If anyone has any history on what happened to these sites or know if they have changed domains or plan on relaunching, feel free to comment. No login needed to comment, but comments with links are held for moderation.
Let me know if any obvious image boards are missing. I think things are pretty caught up. I even went poking through old emails of requests I had initially declined for being empty of content and too new. I can’t say I am shocked, but 99% of them are dead links.
Leave a comment below, no login needed and let me know, or use the request form.
Im digging in my 2011 AIDS folder tonight. Memes have evolved a bit.
Add the AllChans button to your website to support us! Use the html code below to display the above button on your site. Feel free to self host the thumbnail and swap out the image link.
I’m creating this post so I can remove the code from the side bar.
<a title="AllChans - Anon Image Board Catalog and Top List - Overchan" href="https://www.allchans.org"><img src="https://www.allchans.org/media/allchansbutton.jpg" alt="Visit AllChans, the largest imageboard Catalog featuring the top chans" style="border:1px solid #00f; height:31px; margin:2px; width:88px;" /></a>
I had removed a site off the link list a few days ago after a couple people reported inappropriate content on it. Someone in the comments “ZBraff” provided a detailed history and context of what was going on today. I ended removing the whole post rather than just removing the links because it was still bringing attention to a site with bad content or a reputation for illegal content. The post and comments on it are gone now. Thanks to everyone who reports and comments and provides detailed info like “ZBraff” did. This is why I have no log-in anonymous commenting here on AllChans.
Its been 9 years and I was bored.. figured it was time to refresh the banner so it was wide enough for today’s screens. I had the original background image still but couldn’t figure out the original font so that is new.
Also new is the site has moved to a new server. Went from a 1 core 1gb VPS to 6 core 16gb with litespeed for wordpress optimization.
No account needed! Post a comment with your favorite meme of 2021. I don’t know if there is enough of a community her to be worth it, or if its just 3000+ lurkers a day, but post your favorite meme of 2021 below. It will likely be flagged as spam and not show up at first, don’t worry I will approve it and it will show up in a day or two. For image hosting, just pick a random /b/ board and upload there and grab a link. Image uploading now built into the comments. It will be held for moderation, but no account is needed.