Quick Note about Requesting Additions

I get about 4-5 new board addition requests a week. 90% of them fall into categories of being either empty of content except a few test posts, filled with what is obviously the same person posting random junk to make the board look active, or they have names that would get this site further flagged on search engines (aka explicit pron names). I usually don’t add these – for the most part these boards don’t have a community and are not active and are more likely to be spammed and not monitored. Many of them are dead if I check back a couple months later to see if things have improved. When a real email is provided I try and let people know and often hear back they need to be added to get a community of posters. That just isn’t true on these sites because 99% of their boards are the same boards found on many of these other sites so there is nothing unique to draw in a community.

If any of you write the software used for imageboards, I think one of the best tools that could be added is email notification to admins of new posts. This feature would let these smaller less active boards stop spam and delete illegal posting quicker. Back in the day I had bugged the creator of Thorn (I think) for this feature and it was implemented I think only for me, but that project I believe is long gone. In haven’t run an imageboard in a couple years now so maybe this is something baked into the newer software choices. It was a huge help though.

Unrelated to this post about low quality submissions I did get a request for ~5 different boards today that appear to be worth adding. I will try and vet and get them added in the next week.

Continue ReadingQuick Note about Requesting Additions

Free Speech Suppression

I do not want to use this platform for picking political sides and I am not going to. I do care about free speech however, as do many image board owners. Over the years a lot of the requests to add on this site come from image board owners who say they created their site because they were banned from 4chan and wanted to promote free speech WITHIN THE CONFINES OF THE LAW. As the creator and manager of two now dead imageboards I can relate to the need to promote free speech even if I wanted to delete content I disagreed with when moderating.

There is a purge going on attacking free speech online that escalated yesterday. Many sites promoting free speech are down now and many public figures and supporting groups have been banned on the larger sites. This is creating a period of “darkness” for information on one side while another side is able to paint the picture without question.

I am making this post to bring attention and light to imageboards hosting /pol/ or political boards for discussion.




https://22chan.org/pol/index (gone)


If anyone knows of other boards with /pol/ boards, comment below and I will try and approve comments as fast as possible. You can also post links to non-image board sites for open political discussion or news as well.

I plan on deleting this post when things settle down because like I said above, I do not want this website to have a political motivation. This is only for legal free speech currently under attack.

Continue ReadingFree Speech Suppression


Well, been locked out of creating new posts for a week now “white screen of death” .. wordpress is great stuff. Updates will continue now that it is back. u-18 chan was added, ill make a post for it soon.

Continue ReadingAllChans

Site Update

I cannot figure out how to get rid of or update the rotating homepage banner.

Recently updated to a better search plugin so tags could be searched.

Found out there is a tag limit on posts, so certain imageboards cannot have every board tagged for the tag cloud/searches.

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Visit “Image Boards” at the top navigation for the old list

My goal is to build out a post for each image board and add tags which can be searched or found using the tag cloud on the side bar. I cannot keep the old style of direct board links up to date anymore, it is too much work. Many times I was adding new sites by request only to removed them a week later when the website goes down.

Continue ReadingVisit “Image Boards” at the top navigation for the old list